What people are saying about
The Saltee Academy for Complex Creators

-Kathleen Landel,
Trainer + Coach + Consultant

“I can't say enough about Sara Saltee's very exciting work, and her approach to understanding one's creativity. Sara has developed a way to describe how many of us are multi-modal creatives in our lives and work. Her model has helped me to think about which of my creative modes I draw upon; which sometimes get in my way, and which I've not nourished and want to focus on again.”

-Morgan Bondelid,
Graphic designer + Actress

“It was deeply validating, encouraging, clarifying, and inspiring to discover that I've built a life that incorporates all of my creative modes. It's always been clear to me that I was not a specialist; now I can see that my deep, insatiable curiosity is the root of my creative self. It's satisfying to look back and see that my choices weren't random or flaky or weird; they make perfect sense when I look through the lens of my constellation.”

- Megan Pincus Kajitani, M.A. Writer + Editor + Artist + Educator

“Sara truly understands the multi-passionate creative temperament and experience, and she helped guide my Renaissance Soul self through several exercises to help me better discern the myriad ideas in my head and projects spinning in the world. She offers validation along with real strategies and guidance, all of which are so welcome and needed when trying to find one’s way to a life and livelihood that honor many creative interests. I continually use the tools I learned with Sara as I decide which projects to pursue or not, and how to see my life as a whole as the biggest creative project.”

- Nikki Thompson, Leadership Coach

“I felt such an energy and excitement when I first heard Sara on a webinar! Sara has helped give me greater confidence and insight into my personal creativity and I am so excited to be able to live that and share that with others.”