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After this Program, I make sense to myself for the first time in my life. I always thought of my life as kind of chaotic, and now I see the higher order of coherence. Thank you. It's beautiful.

- Deb A., Fall 2021

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Answers to the questions you are holding about your identity, purpose, and direction are all connected to your creativity.

If you’ve ever struggled to find or name your purpose…

If you’ve ever felt like you are “too much”…

If you’ve ever been confused by how all of your different interests, passions, and gifts are supposed to fit together…

You are probably a complex creator!

The framework and tools in the Creative Constellations Program are designed to help complex creators like you stop accusing yourself of being “all over the map” and start experiencing a powerful sense of coherence and wholeness - WITHOUT denying vital parts of who you are.


I can't recommend Sara Saltee's Creative Constellations program enough. It's like ‘what color is your parachute’ plus ‘Myers Briggs’ but way better.

If you are at a transition in your life, not knowing how to spend your precious life energy, seriously check this out.

- Karin B., Spring 2021

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In the Creative Constellations Program, you’ll discover a new way of thinking about creativity and the nature of your genius.

Those of us with multiple gifts, talents, interests, and passions often feel like we are “too much” or “too confusing.” We can feel pressured to “pick a lane,” “find a single passion” or generally dumb ourselves down to fit into the narrow categories that others have devised.

The truth is that our true genius lies in the harmonious interplay between all the creativities in our constellations. We are stronger and more powerful when we embrace all of who we are.

Unlike other creativity programs that start with the assumption that you are creatively blocked or deficient and that you need tips or tricks to “get more creative,” in this program, we start from a very different belief.

Here, we begin with the assumption that (whether or not you are an artist) you are infinitely creative. What we strive to discover is: HOW are you creative?

Using original frameworks and tools developed by Creativity Coach Sara Saltee, you will name and claim all of the ways you are creative and discover the deep patterns underlying your inner complexity.

You’ll come away with a visual map of your multi-faceted creative identity that validates your wholeness and guides you to the projects you’ll find most satisfying and fulfilling.

From the menu of 25 Creativities that Sara’s research has identified, you’ll claim the array that you express most naturally and energetically. Then, you’ll explore how they interrelate with each other!


This is most one of the most wonderful courses I've ever taken in my whole life. And I'm a learning junkie.

- Melissa W., Fall 2021

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The Creative Constellation Program is a twelve-week online course.

In Fall of 2024, the course will include:

  • Six live online zoom gatherings for discussion, Q&A, and sharing.

  • Five video lectures you can watch at your own pace.

  • Five interactive digital workbooks with readings, journaling prompts, and creative activities to try.

  • Replay recordings of all class sessions will be available for download during and after the course.

  • Optional one-on-one coaching session with Sara.

You’ll come away with a deep understanding of your multiple creative strengths and new clarity about how those strengths work together as a harmonious system.

Course Overview

PART ONE: Four New Assumptions About Creativity

  • The essential new thinking about creativity we need to thrive as multi-creative humans

PART TWO: The Big Sort - Gathering your ‘stars’

  • Discover 25 different creative modes and identify the ones that are part of your creative constellation

PART THREE: Mapping Your Zones of Creative Power

  • Sketch your creative constellation on a map of the creative process cycle and explore your areas of strength and challenge as a creator.

PART FOUR: Constellation Freestyling

  • Step away from the cycle map framework and develop your own intuitive way to represent how your creativities work together as a system

PART FIVE: How to Steer by Your Creative Constellation

  • Explore ways to use your creative constellation as a guidance system as you chart your next steps

Fall 2024 Schedule

  • Live online discussion sessions will meet every other Friday
    from 10 am - 11:30pm Pacific Time.

    • September 27

    • October 11, 25

    • November 8, 29

    • December 13

In The Big Sort activity, you'll claim the creative modes that are part of your constellation.

The Star Map tool allows you to visualize how your multiple creativities work as a system.

In the Constellation Freestyling activity, you’ll develop your own way of visualizing the relationships between your array of creativities


The coursework is absolutely masterfully presented. Each week, it confronted something inside me, stirred the pot to think and reflect about it and THEN offered solutions to support moving through it. Not only that, I’ve gained insights to help me feel better about what got stirred up AND about myself as a human being in the creative-flow of life!

- Greg M., Spring 2023

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Early Bird Registration is now OPEN!

Save 20% over full program pricing when you register before September 10th.

Full program pricing = $575 for the Creative Constellations Program; $700 with added one-on-one coaching

Early Bird Constellations Program Only

Would monthly installments make the Creative Constellations Program more accessible to you? Contact Sara to arrange a payment plan.


This course is so rich, so dense, so yummy. It's like a cornucopia.

- Stephen J., Fall 2021

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 About Your Teacher

Sara Saltee is a complex creator who has been deeply immersed in the study and practice of creativity for more than 20 years. An artist, writer, teacher, adult learning specialist, curriculum designer, and certified creativity coach, Sara’s original tools and frameworks help creators of all kinds connect to their authentic impulses and make their highest contributions.

After teaching as Adjunct Faculty in Communication at Regis University and Front Range Community College, Sara served as a culture change and strategic planning consultant to nonprofits and public agencies in the Puget Sound Region. For the past decade, she has designed and facilitated dynamic online train-the-trainer programs for a global community of grassroots leaders as the Director of Leadership and Learning Programs for Riane Eisler’s Center for Partnership Systems.


The Creative Constellations Program went far beyond what I anticipated. I did not expect it to reveal such deep meaning.

- D. Betzhold, Spring, 2021

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Q: I’m not sure about adding a one-on-one coaching session. Can I add coaching later?
Absolutely! You can add one or more one-on-one coaching sessions at any time during or after the course. 60-minute coaching sessions can be purchased in packages of one, three, six, or twelve sessions. Learn more about coaching with Sara.

Q: What will happen in the live discussion sessions?
You’ll come to each live session having watched a video lecture, done some reading and journaling, and undertaken an activity. So, we’ll have lots to talk about! We’ll start with Q&A to make sure any questions get answered, then we’ll share responses to a selection of the journaling prompts, and compare notes about what you learned in your activity. Sometimes we’ll talk as a whole-group, and other times we’ll go into break out sessions for smaller group sharing.

Q: What if I have to miss a discussion session?
Discussion sessions are always recorded, so if you must miss one you’ll be able to catch up easily. If you have questions you’d like Sara to answer in the session, you can submit them via email ahead of time and she’ll answer on the video.

Q: Will I have to talk in the discussion sessions?
No, sharing is always optional. You are always free to pass.

Q: I’m thinking about inviting a friend/family member to join the class with me - will that be awkward?
Coming to the program with a friend or family member can be a wonderful approach! The content of the course tends to stir up a lot of self-reflection and can bring new awareness to parts of you that may have gotten left behind or disavowed in your life. It can be fantastic to go on the journey with someone you love and trust. Just be sure that you bring someone with whom you feel comfortable sharing your personal history and your authentic self.

Do you have other questions? Contact Sara at


The Creative Constellations workshop was The Biggest Turning Point in how I view myself and the unusual (creative) way that I have conducted my life.  I'm forever grateful.

- Morgan B.

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Save 20% over full program pricing when you register before September 10th.

Full program pricing = $575 for the Creative Constellations Program; $700 with added one-on-one coaching

Early Bird Constellations Program Only

Discover your creative constellation and design a life big enough for who you really are!