
Chart your creative identity and navigate the future in a whole new way.


About the Program


The Creative Constellations Program provides the tools and frameworks you need to find a wholehearted way forward in your life, work, art, and activism. At the best of times, complex creators who express creativity in multiple ways can struggle to find focus and direction. In times like these, our crumbling systems and imperiled planet call us to rise up out of our stuckness, self-doubt, and confusion and make the contributions only we can make to the repair, reimagining, and evolution of our world. Sara Saltee’s original tools help you reclaim all parts of who you are, discover how you operate as a creator and get clear on how you’ll bring your array of creative strengths to the project of shaping your life and our future.




Sara's Creative Constellation course completely expanded my thought process when it comes to creating. The course doesn't just simply teach you about the multiple zones of creative power, it takes you on an exploration through them. After exploring each zone of creative power, many of which I never knew existed, parts of my creative brain lit up for the first time.

- Quincey Tickner
Storyteller + Disruptor + Social Innovator + Cultivator


Sara Saltee’s Creative Constellations Program is a masterclass in living as a creator.

Sara guides you step by step through a deeply personal exploration of your creative strengths and patterns, your pathways back to creator consciousness, and the contributions you are uniquely designed to offer the world.

Part 1: The Reset

What are the limitations of how most of us were raised to think about creativity? What new assumptions will help us re-imagine the relationship between creativity, purpose, and direction?


Part 2: Claiming Your Creative Identity

What kinds of creator are you? What array of creativities do you most naturally express?


Part 3: Exploring Your Relationship to the Creative Process

How do you operate as a creator? What are your zones of creative power and where are you most likely to get stuck or lose momentum? How do you relate to the void times that are part of the cycle of creating?


Part 4: Turning Stars into Constellations

How do your creativities work together as a system? How do they balance and harmonize each other? What do they, together, enable you to offer the world?


Part 5: Creating Your Life and Our Future

How do you return to your creative center when the business of life and the culture of productivity pulls you off balance? How can you apply the core practices of creating to the meta-project of creating your life? How will you use your creative constellation to navigate the unknown future?

Download the Program Overview PDF


The Creative Constellations program
is for you if:

  • You are ready to discard the excess, shake off the forces that keep your imagination constrained and cramped, and find new clarity about why you are here and where you are heading.

  • You recognize that our culture and our planet cannot tolerate another cycle of the same old patterns and want to be part of cultivating a generative future that is grounded in principles of curiosity, caring, and creativity.

  • The pandemic has given you a minute to tune into the awareness that everything that brings you joy and everything that matters most somehow ties back to the loving connections you have with your family, your friends and collaborators, the natural world, and your own creativity.  You don’t want to return to “normal” - you want to co-create a world where the values, systems, and resources are lined up to support and enrich those connections for all people.

  • You realize that these times are calling you to adapt and change - maybe to new work, or maybe to new ways of being, or maybe both.  You want the tools to help you be maximally flexible and adaptive without losing a sense of authenticity and a connection to your inner life and inner needs.

  • You want to tap into the beliefs, mindsets, and practices that enable creators to walk toward fear, withstand times of incoherence, and transmute chaos and pain into beauty and hope.

  • You are ready to move beyond comforting old illusions of certainty and control and learn to engage in courageous conversations with the emerging future. 

  • You have a sense that there might be important parts of you that are dormant or disavowed and want to ground your new directions in a deeper understanding of your full array of creativities.

  • You are ready to stop trying to “find your passion” and start bringing all of who you are to the projects that you love and the problems that perk you up.

  • You are eager to find your place within the global community of creators who, together, are shaping beautiful lives and a world worth living in.




“The Creative Constellations workshop was probably The Biggest Turning Point in how I view myself and the unusual (creative) way that I have conducted my life.  It was deeply validating, encouraging, clarifying, and inspiring to discover that I've built a life that incorporates all of my creative modes. It's always been clear to me that I was not a specialist; now I can see that the insatiable curiosity of the Investigator mode is the root of my creative self. It's satisfying to look back and see that my choices weren't random or flaky or weird; they make perfect sense when I look through the lens of my constellation."

– Morgan Bondelid
investigator + designer + interpreter


Two formats

Live, 9-week Course


Next Offered Fall, 2022
Dates TBD

Interactive online course
Nine live online class lectures and discussions with access to video replays.
Private online discussion space for between-session group chat

Course materials included:
10 beautifully-designed interactive digital workbooks
Additional digital Journals and Toolkits
The Creative Constellation Card Deck

Personal coaching
60-minute one-on-one coaching session with Sara (self-scheduled mid-course)

Interested in a private course experience for your friend group or work team? Click Here.


Independent Study Course


Available any time
The self-paced, independent study option allows you to dive into the Creative Constellations program anytime, on your own schedule and in your own way.

Course materials included:
10 beautifully designed interactive digital workbooks
Additional digital Journals and Toolkits
The Creative Constellation Card Deck

Personal coaching
60-minute one-on-one coaching with Sara.




About Your Teacher
Sara Saltee is a complex creator who has been deeply immersed in the study and practice of creativity for more than 20 years. She’s a certified creativity coach with MA and ABD degrees in Communication and Culture, was Adjunct Faculty at Regis University and Front Range Community College and has been the Director of Leadership and Learning programs for Riane Eisler’s Center for Partnership Systems for the past decade.

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“Sara truly understands the multi-passionate creative temperament and experience. She offers validation along with real strategies and guidance to find one’s way to a life and livelihood that honors many creative interests. I continually use the tools I learned with Sara as I decide which projects to pursue (or not) and she reminds me to see my life as a whole as the biggest creative project.”

- Megan Pincus Kajitani, M.A.
Storyteller + Refiner + Expressionist + Uplifter



In this fragmented and fragmenting world, owning your wholeness is a true power move.

When you claim and honor all facets of your creative identity, you begin operating from a place of great strength. You grow your capacity to creatively respond to what is needed now, and you can take your place as a creator among other creators - effectively and joyfully offering your unique combination of gifts to the needs and challenges of the world.

None of us have to do it all, but the world is calling all of us to stop playing small, get over our stuckness, and start contributing all we've got to the evolution and healing of our planet, our systems, and our fellow humans.

The world needs all of your intricate brilliance.