Exploring Creative Diversity:
The Two-day Workshop
Introducing a bold new framework to propel your teams
from checked-out to joyfully connected
Today’s employees want work that feels meaningful and purposeful, and they expect workplace cultures that embrace the full complexity of their humanity.
Exploring Creative Diversity offers an original new way to unlock the creative strengths of your team.
Discover new tools for mapping your team's creative strengths and
Explore new approaches to creating a culture that encourages, rather than limits, the joyful and meaningful expression of those creativities.
In two interactive 90-min sessions, you’ll:
Gain an expanded understanding of creativity not as a synonym for “the arts” but as a way of relating to self and world that takes many forms.
Learn how you can use the Creative Constellations Framework to map your multiple creative strengths, and those of your team.
Explore the role of uncertainty and discovery in the creative process, and how individuals and teams can use their creative strengths to expand their creative courage.
Discover how the Creative Power Path can help you identify aspects of your culture than inhibit and limit creativity, and
Identify specific leadership strategies for shifting toward a culture of creative thriving.
Tues, Jan 24 from X am - X:30, and
Thurs, Jan 26 from X am - X:30
Introductory Price
*This workshop is normally priced at $225 per session, for a total value of $450.
About Your Teachers
Sara Saltee, M.A., is a creativity consultant and coach with more than 20 years of organizational development and adult learning experience. She is the developer of the Creative Constellations framework for mapping creative strengths and the founder of the Saltee Academy for Complex Creators. Sara collaborates with Betty Woodman on the Creative Diversity framework.
Betty Woodman, Ph.D., works with individuals, groups, and business professionals to create thriving, enjoyable workplace cultures that foster ethical, people-centered leadership practices. Betty developed the Creative Power Path framework, which designs for belonging and strengthens the ability to see and prevent toxic power dynamics before they become a problem. Betty is the founder of Betty J. Woodman Consulting, LLC and collaborates with Sara Saltee on the Creative Diversity framework.